tips to boost your energy
Fitness,  Mental Fitness

12 Tips To Boost Your Energy

Do you frequently feel like you’re dragging by mid day and wish you had the energy to do the things you want to do or even just the things that need to be done? Are you caught in an endless cycle of caffeine and fatigue, but what you really want is a natural way to boost your energy?

If you want to boost your energy without relying on stimulants, check out these tips on how to naturally boost your energy levels

Top 12 Tips

Get enough quality sleep consistently. This means a minimum of 7 hours uninterrupted sleep each night. Bonus if you are on a consistent sleep schedule.

Find ways to lower stress levels. Stress can take a huge toll on you, mentally and physically, and make you feel exhausted. Find out what relaxes you and do more of that.

Drink plenty of water. Being dehydrated can make you feel drained of energy. We need water to function properly. So, make sure you’re drinking a minimum of 64 ounces each day and at least 8-12 ounces right after waking up.

Fuel your body with lots of fiber, whole grains, proteins, and healthy fats. Healthy foods that don’t spike your blood sugar will give you a more prolonged energy source. Healthy whole foods will also reduce the risk of chronic inflammation, which can cause you to feel less energized.

Don’t skip meals. Eating less is not the answer. Eating well at regular intervals is the best way to boost your energy. Not providing your body with the proper fuel will just make you feel more sluggish.

Eat less simple carbohydrates. Simple carbs, like sugar and flour, will cause a spike in blood sugar. They will give you a short term energy burst, but then lead to a blood sugar crash, making you feel even more tired.

Avoid drinking more than 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning, and none after noon. Having caffeine late in the day will affect your quality of sleep leading to fatigue from sleep deprivation.

Limit alcohol intake especially near bed time. Alcohol might make you feel sleepy, but it won’t help you get the good quality sleep that is needed for more energy.

Exercise on a regular basis. Being active helps with the quality of sleep you get and better health achieved through exercise will help you be naturally more energized.

Get organized and have a schedule. Chaos and constantly having to make decisions can be exhausting. Give yourself some stress relief by planning out your to-do lists, meal plans, and maybe even do some meal prepping in advance.

Have some down time every day without outside stimulation. Constant noise and things going on around us can cause overstimulation and in turn cause mental fatigue. Try to have at least 30 minutes per day that you can just sit in silence without devices or even music to let your brain rest and not be on constant alert.

Get outside and breath some fresh air for at least 20 minutes a day. Fresh air and a little sun can give you an energy boost by releasing serotonin. You’ll be more energized, more focused, and happier.

Start Trying These Tips to Boost Your Energy Today

The great thing about most of these tips is that you can start working on them today. Some might take a little effort and planning, but they’re really not complicated. And, other than buying some healthier foods, they’re all free to try. You have to buy food anyways and healthy eating could save you money in the long run too. Becoming healthier means less money spent on medical expenses and less time off work. So, these tips are definitely worth trying!

If you’re looking for other tips on how to live a healthier lifestyle, don’t forget to subscribe over on the right. Let me know what tips you’ve tried and how you felt afterwards in the comments.

I'm a fitness professional always seeking simple and effective ways to stay healthy and happy and helping others with their goals to do the same along the way.

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