There are plenty of people not getting enough or not getting enough quality sleep consistently. We have a tendency to underrate the need for sleep in our lives. Other than making us feel tired all the time, it also affects our health and our lives in many ways and in the short and long term.
If you often find it difficult to get enough or good quality sleep, you’ll definitely want to try some of the following to improve that.
Tips For Getting More/Better Sleep
Try to be consistent about what time you go to sleep and wake up, so your body gets used to sleeping at the right times
Don’t drink caffeine after 12pm
Don’t drink alcohol before bed. It might help you fall asleep, but it will affect the quality of sleep you get
Turn off devices at least an hour before bedtime, the blue light impacts your circadian rhythm. It tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime
Sleep in a dark room
Use a white noise machine or app if you have trouble falling asleep in silence
If you have to keep you phone in the room with you, keep it phone on silent
Meditate or do some deep breathing exercises before you go to bed to help relax you and calm your mind
Write in a journal to get all the distracting thoughts out of your head and on to paper
Make a to do list for the next day, if thinking about things you need to do the next day is keeping you awake
Exercise daily, the extra activity will help you feel tired by the end of the day
Don’t exercise too close to bedtime, it could make you too alert to fall asleep easily
Don’t eat a big meal within 2 hours before bed
Get outside and get some sunlight during the day so you’re body knows the difference between when it is day and night
Remember that it is important to get enough uninterrupted sleep consistently, not just occasionally to improve your overall health. You can’t live sleep deprived all week and then sleep in on Saturday and Sunday to catch up. It just doesn’t work that way.
Let me know if you have tried any of these tips and how it went in the comments below. Wishing you a very restful night’s sleep tonight.