Health benefits of apple cider vinegar
Natural living

Amazing Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

What if I told you that there is something so simple and inexpensive you could do everyday to make you feel and look better?  What if I told you that you might even have it in your kitchen already? You might have already guessed from the title of this post that it’s apple cider vinegar. The health benefits of apple cider vinegar far outweigh the cost and even the fact that it doesn’t have the most pleasant taste. Don’t worry though, you won’t want to drink it straight anyway.

I started putting some in my water first thing in the morning about 4 years ago to help with detoxification and digestion.  Since then I’ve discovered some other reasons that having apple cider vinegar on a daily basis aids in overall health.

If you’re interested in improving your health in a simple, inexpensive, and non time consuming way keep reading. Find out the other health benefits of apple cider vinegar and how it might improve your life.

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

As far as the digestive benefits, if you have some before eating you can prevent bloating and heartburn.  Who wants to deal with that? It balances the pH levels in your digestive system.  It also promotes the growth of healthy bacteria which also helps with easier digestion.  Just make sure you’re not drinking it straight.  There’s too much acetic acid in it to drink it without diluting it first.  You should put 1-2 tablespoons in a full glass of water before drinking it. Otherwise, it can burn your throat.

Apple cider vinegar helps with detoxing the body because the enzymes in it stimulate liver function (you know, the organ responsible for taking toxins out of your system) and lymphatic drainage.  So, just adding a little of this each day helps you get toxins out of you body more easily.

Not only does it help get the bad stuff out it also helps get the good stuff in, It helps your body more easily absorb certain minerals like calcium.  That should be pretty important for anyone that doesn’t want to deal with osteoporosis when they get older. Weak and brittle bones don’t sound too fun to me. Falls and broken bones become much more of a serious issue as we age.

health benefits of apple cider vinegar

As if those things weren’t enough. It has also been found that apple cider vinegar can help with blood sugar control and cholesterol. We know that high blood sugar and cholesterol are not good for long term health.  Consuming it helps regulate blood sugar, which can prevent type 2 diabetes or even help control it if you already have it.  It can help eliminate cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood which in turn will decrease blood pressure. High blood pressure is currently one of the most prevalent health issues in the US.

If you’re one of the many people in the world trying not only to be healthier but to lose weight as well, apple cider vinegar can help in that goal also. Consuming apple cider vinegar aids in weight loss in varied ways.  The fact that it lowers blood sugar helps with weight loss, but it also helps reduce sugar cravings.  Consuming it will increase the feeling of satiety too (you’ll feel full longer).  If you’re not feeling hungry and craving sugary foods all of the time, then you’re not going to be eating as much junk and you’re going to be able to lose more weight, right? A study found that people consuming 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar everyday, even without exercise or other changes in their diets, experienced weight loss. CT scans at the end of the study determined that fat was lost from the abdominal area, which can have a huge impact on overall health. Excess abdominal fat is associated with increased health risks such as heart disease and heart attacks.

Ways to Incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar Into Your Diet

As I mentioned above, you could just add a tablespoon or 2 to a full glass of water. It’s not the greatest tasting drink, but you might get used to it after a while. If that doesn’t work for you, you could always add it to other drinks or foods that your going to have. How about a salad with oil and and vinegar dressing? It doesn’t have to be all at once either. You can consume up to 2 tablespoons throughout the day. They do make apple cider vinegar pills, but I don’t recommend those. The dosage in each one isn’t enough to make any difference and their safety is questionable.

Why Not Try It?

What could be easier than having a little apple cider vinegar every day to get all these amazing health benefits? Just make sure you buy the unfiltered (raw) type. It contains all the good stuff. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding it at any grocery store.  The best part is that there are no cons about drinking it (other than you might not love the taste). There’s really no reason not to try it. You do have to remember to be consistent about having it everyday to really see the health benefits of apple cider vinegar though.

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I'm a fitness professional always seeking simple and effective ways to stay healthy and happy and helping others with their goals to do the same along the way.

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