Get fit at home

Do You Need to Join a Gym? How to get fit at Home

Have you joined a gym? Do you have a membership now, but only go there every once in a while, or never? If you’re not going, then joining a gym isn’t going to help you get fit. It’s just going to drain your bank account and make you feel guilty for throwing your money away on something that’s not helping you. If you have joined and go consistently, that’s awesome keep it up! It’s really not about where you choose to exercise, it’s about what works for you. If you don’t have the time or the motivation to go to a gym, there are definitely great ways to stay fit without leaving your house. You can easily get fit at home.

I spent a lot of time in the gym when my kids were younger (free child care while I worked and worked out). As my kids got older and I didn’t need the care anymore, I found that an added trip to the gym was really just a waste of time for the most part. I could have completed a workout in the time it took me to drive there and back. That’s when I decided to start making working out at home work for me. It did take some adjustment since there are a lot more distractions at home that might interfere with getting my workout in, but having the motivation helped a lot.

How to get fit at home

Not everyone has the motivation to just do it on there own without an instructor, other people in a class, or with competing distractions at home. The great thing about today’s technology is that you can stream workouts right in your home. You don’t have to go to the gym to be a part of a class. Plus, you can participate in all different kinds of classes when it’s convenient for you. You won’t have to worry about making it to a certain class at a certain time or missing out on classes you would like to take because they don’t fit into your schedule. Variety can definitely help you stay motivated by eliminating the boredom of doing the same workout over and over again. Plus, you’ll get better results by changing things up from time to time. Also, if you start a workout and decide it’s not for you, you won’t feel bad turning it off and trying something different. If you were in a class at the gym, you might stay until the end just so you won’t feel like you’re offending the instructor or looking like a quitter.

If you decide that you want to get fit at home, then you will have to take some things into consideration and make a plan. First, if you’re paying for a gym membership but never use it, cancel it and save your money for more useful things. If you don’t have any equipment at home already you can use the money to buy some workout tools. Most people don’t require too much stuff for making home workouts successful. You’ll probably want to plan what type of workouts you’re wanting to do before buying anything. Some workouts can be done with no equipment at all, or maybe just a set of hand weights and a mat.

Get fit at home

Are you the type that likes to plan you’re own workouts? If so, that’s great! Keep doing it as long as it keeps you motivated and consistent. I actually really enjoy creating workout routines most of the time. However, sometimes I like to change things up and get some new inspiration by trying routines that someone else has created. There are so many free workouts that you can find on the internet, but it might take some time to weed through all the options and sources. If you’re willing to pay for a wide variety, easy accessibility, and quality workouts all in one place, I recommend Beachbody on Demand.

Why Beachbody?

As I said before, Beachbody offers a wide variety of quality workouts all in one place so you can get fit at home. They have created well known programs like P90X, Insanity, and Turbofire. Don’t worry if those sound intimidating and you think it must not be the option for you. Those are not the only types of workouts they offer. They have workouts for every fitness level for you to choose from. They also have great instructors leading the workouts to keep you motivated and showing you modifications if needed.

This on demand service is not free, but it is reasonable (much less than most gym memberships). If you’re no longer paying for the gym membership and it keeps you motivated to actually fit your workouts into your schedule, then it is more than worth the price. In case you’re worried about paying for something you won’t like, there’s good news. You can sign up for a free 14 day trial to try it out before you buy. They also offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you choose to sign up. That’s plenty of time to try out a bunch of different stuff and figure out if you’ll enjoy it. You’ll have access to all the same content in your trial as you would if you sign up.

Not only is Beachbody worth the price because of the quality and variety, but it makes it so convenient and saves time. I’ve spent a good amount of time in the past searching for free workouts to try online. There are good ones out there, but you’ll find a lot of not so good ones out there too. Plus, even when I do find a good one, I have to remember where I found it if I want to use it again. With Beachbody on Demand all your workouts are in the same place, no wasting time on trying to find a good source as well as the type of workout you want. From the very beginning the give you a short survey in order to find the best programs for you. Also, they give you series of workouts to follow. That way you don’t have to figure out what’s next each time.

Beachbody as a back up plan

Even if you do want to keep your gym membership ( because you do use it), the streaming service could still be beneficial to have. We have busy lives and schedules. Things happen and schedules change. Sometimes our planned times to go to the gym just don’t workout. It’s definitely nice to have a back up plan to easily get fit at home when our gym plans don’t work out.

Sometimes it’s nice to just have some more variety than what’s offered at the gym. If we’ve learned anything in the last year and a half, it’s that nothing is guaranteed. So many thing changed in out lives with the pandemic. Gyms were shut down for extended periods of time, so they weren’t even an option. At a time when we were all trying to stay healthy, it was not a time to stop exercising. It’s great to have that back up plan.

If you haven’t tried Beachbody on Demand, I highly recommend you do it! You’ve got nothing to lose and you’ll probably find that you really enjoy the workouts and working out at home on your schedule. At least sign up for the free trial. I would love to hear what you think about it after you try it. Let me know!

I'm a fitness professional always seeking simple and effective ways to stay healthy and happy and helping others with their goals to do the same along the way.

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