Build a strength training workout

Easily Build Your Own Strength Training Workout

Have you been following the same workout over a long period of time? Are you getting bored or just not seeing any progress anymore? Sometimes we need to change things up and work our bodies a little differently to boost our motivation and increase results. Whether you love strength training or you’re just starting out, it can be helpful to have some guidance or some new ideas, so you can spend less time planning and more time actually doing it.

You can use the “Build Your Own Workout” sheet to easily create a workout that works for you and makes it easy to change things up from time to time. You can simply swap an exercise out in place of another in each category whenever you want to, and still get a great full body strength training workout.

As usual, I always recommend a warm-up beforehand and a cooldown/stretch afterwards to avoid injury and keep you performing at your best.

Also, it’s up to you to pick the right amount of weight for the number of reps suggested. If you feel like you’re breezing through all 3 sets with minimal effort, move up to heavier weights.

You should aim to feel challenged, but it shouldn’t be impossible to get through all 3 sets with the weights you’ve chosen.

Ready to get started?

Start Building Your Own Strength Training Workout

Build Your Strength Training Workout

You may have noticed that there wasn’t a category for ab/core work. The reason for that is because, if you are performing these strength training exercises properly (with your core engaged) you will already get a good ab/core workout in throughout the entire workout. Of course, if you’d like to add specific ab targeted exercises in, feel free to do so.

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I'm a fitness professional always seeking simple and effective ways to stay healthy and happy and helping others with their goals to do the same along the way.

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