Full Body Workout

Full Body Workout #1

Want to work a little of everything? Try this workout to strengthen the whole body. Make sure you get a 5-10 minute warm-up first to prepare your body. You can go through each set once and then start over from the start or do 2-3 rounds of each set before moving on to the next.

Choose weights that are challenging if you want to see results. If you breeze through it without breaking a sweat or getting your heart rate up, you’re not doing yourself any favors. You should only need 2-3 sets of dumbbells to start.

Set 1

  • Squat with heels lifted (10-12 reps)
  • Bicep hammer curls to overhead press (10-12 reps)
  • Single leg reverse lunge with forward knee lift (10-12 reps)

Set 2

  • Wide squat to upright row (12-15 reps)
  • Bent knee deadlift (12-15 reps)
  • Reverse fly 1(12-15 reps)

Set 3

  • Incline chest press (12-15 reps)
  • Glute bridge (12-15 reps)
  • Chair dips (10-15 reps)

That’s it, you did it! You should be feeling good, but maybe a little fatigued. Don’t forget to get some stretching in before you move on with your day. Got to stay flexible, right?

I'm a fitness professional always seeking simple and effective ways to stay healthy and happy and helping others with their goals to do the same along the way.

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