Has the idea of becoming healthier and more fit been lurking in the back of your mind for some time now? You probably know that it will improve the quality of your life and that it would be great to feel and see the changes that getting healthier would bring. But, maybe every time you think about taking action toward actually making it happen, it just seems too overwhelming, complicated, and/or frustrating. Maybe you’re even wondering how to be fit, what will actually work for you. After all you wouldn’t want to waste a bunch of time and not see the results from your efforts, right?
The truth is that becoming healthier and fitter doesn’t means that you have to spend hours in the gym or follow complicated meal plans that require hours in the kitchen.
There is a way to improve your health and it can even be done in simple steps that take 5 minutes or less at time, but can lead to noticeable and sustainable results!
Don’t believe it, keep reading!
Why You Should Try This 5 Minute Method
There are so many simple things that you can do that take no more than five minutes of your time that will lead to healthier habits and sustained results. Everyone has 5 minutes to spare here and there throughout the day, so might as well make the most of that time.
How much time do you spend thinking about feeling and looking better, being able to live the life you want to, while feeling comfortable and confident?
Wouldn’t it be better to spend that time taking action toward your goals than just wishing it? Not only can you stop wasting time wishing for it, you can spend even less time doing it!
I’m not saying it won’t take any effort, it will. I’m just saying it can be simple and not consume all of your time. To keep it simple, I suggest starting with one thing at a time and building from there.
The First Step In How To Be Fit In Five Minutes
The first step is identifying where you need to start. It’s hard to get started taking action if you don’t know what direction you should be going in. For example, do you struggle with nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, staying hydrated, or mindset/motivation? Maybe a combination of 2 or more of those? Pick the most obvious one and start there.
So, let’s say you struggle with getting enough sleep. Not getting enough quality sleep can have a huge impact on your overall health from your mood, ability to lose weight, to your risk of short term and chronic health issues. If you are a chronic under sleeper, this a great place to start.
Getting enough sleep consistently will actually help you when you’re trying to implement your 5 minute actions too. When you get enough sleep you’ll be more focused, organized, energized, and motivated.
Now To Start Taking Action
Let’s stick with the sleep example. You’re probably thinking, how am I going to get 5 minutes of extra sleep and it will help me? That is not what I’m claiming though. What I’m saying is that there are actions that you can take that consume no more than 5 minutes at a time that will lead to your goal of better sleep. These things will be based on the reason for your inadequate sleep. Is it because you’re not getting to bed in time to allow for an adequate amount of sleep or are you just not getting quality sleep during the time you’re in bed?
5 Minute Actions For Improving Sleep Time
- Determine what time you should be getting in bed in order to get enough sleep (if that time seems impossible to you right now, just start by going to bed 15-30 minutes earlier than usual and work your way up to the desired time)
- Set an alarm that lets you know when you should start to unwind and get ready for sleep
- Turn off all devices at least an hour before bed time
- If you don’t already have a consistent bedtime routine, create one. Write down what it is so you can follow it without having to take time remembering it
- Make sure you get some sunlight during the day (5 minutes at time if necessary), so your body doesn’t get day and night confused.
5 Minute Actions For Improving Quality of Sleep
- Don’t eat within 2 hours of bedtime (takes no time)
- Don’t consume alcohol before going to bed (again, no time wasted)
- Jot down a to-do list for the next day, so your mind can rest knowing you have it down
- Journal some thoughts/ worries in a journal, clear your mind of the clutter
- Take some deep breathes to calm and relax yourself
- Make sure the room is free of light that might wake you
- Turn off phone, TV, and anything else that might make noise throughout the night
- Set the room to a cooler temperature
- Put on loose comfortable clothing or opt for no clothing if you prefer
- Get some moderate physical exercise for at least 5 minutes each day
The above are just a handful of suggestions that might help you get more quality sleep. There could be other things you come up with that help you as well. Learning how to be fit will be unique to you and your life.
How To Be Fit Besides Sleeping
Getting enough quality sleep is just one example of how to make simple changes to achieve big results. As mentioned earlier, there are several other factors that contribute to overall health and wellness also.
Here’s a few simple actions you can take to improve in those other areas:
- Take 5 minutes once a week to make a meal plan for the week
- Set your workout clothes out the night before, so that you’re ready to put them on first thing in the morning
- Walk outside, feel the sunshine and breath some fresh air for 5 minutes at a time every day
- Fill a large bottle of water and put it in the fridge before you go to bed. Add some fresh fruit slices if you prefer. It will be ready for you to drink when you get up and make it easier to track your consumption
- Take a few minutes each day to reflect and think of the things you are grateful for in your life
- Make a grocery list before heading to the store. You’ll save time and money if you know what you need ahead of time
- Plan your workout schedule for the week (when, where, and what type of workout)
- Take 5 minutes to take deep breathes while closing your eyes when you start to feel stress building
- Keep a journal and designate a few minutes each day to write down your thoughts
- Keep a workout log, so you can track your progress and your consistency
- While preparing a meal, cut up some extra veggies for a future meal or snack to save you time later
- Read for 5 minutes, either to learn something or just for fun
- Pay attention to how you talk to yourself. Turn that negative self talk into more positive and encouraging self talk. It takes only seconds and can change your whole outlook.
What to Expect
Now that you have some ideas about how to be fit in 5 minutes or less, you just have to start taking action. Remember, you don’t have to do all of these things right now. You can pick one or two to start and add more in as those become habits that you don’t have to think about anymore.
This might not seem like the fastest way to get the results you’re wanting, but it might be the only way you’ll actually start seeing results and keeping them. If you try to take on too much at once, you’ll most likely get overwhelmed and end up giving up and therefore never actually making any progress.
Learning how to be fit isn’t just about getting the results, it’s about building healthy habits that make keeping the results easier over the long run. It’s a journey, not a destination!
Hopefully these suggestions have helped you know how and where to start, but if you’re looking for some guidance and more individualized help in your journey, let’s chat!