Ways to boost your energy

Simple Ways To Boost Your Energy

The amount of energy you have can really impact your day to day life. Having low energy can be mentally draining, not just physically problematic. When we have more energy, we get more things accomplished, take better care of ourselves, and are just overall happier. The good news is that there are simple ways to boost your energy every day. There are things you can easily add to your daily life and things you’ll want to avoid as well.

Keep reading if you’re curious to see if you could be doing, or not doing, the things you need to do to get more energy.

How You Can Boost Your Energy

  • Fresh air/sunshine
  • Nutrient rich foods
  • Consistent exercise
  • Good sleep habits
  • Proper Hydration
  • Positive self talk
  • Music
  • Friendship/socializing
Ways to boost your energy

Things That Drain Your Energy

  • Stress
  • Sugar
  • Negativity (from self and others)
  • Inactivity
  • Clutter/disorganization
  • Isolation

How To Boost Your Energy Long Term

Thinking back in your life, can you remember how you felt when you had more energy? Do you remember your daily habits during those times? Most likely you were doing more of the things in the first list and less of the things on the second, am I right?

It’s nice to have days here and there when we feel energized, but wouldn’t it be great to have the energy we want all the time? Of course it would! Who doesn’t like to feel good as often as possible?

Nothing on the lists above are impossible, complicated or unheard of. They are all fairly simple things that can be incorporated into your daily habits. I’m not saying you should work on every single one of those things immediately, because that might just lead to more stress (an energy drainer). Just pick a couple things that will boost your energy and start there. Once those things become habits, move on to some more energy boosting strategies. Keep it simple, so it sticks!

It can start off as simple as grabbing an apple and going outside to eat it in the fresh air and hopefully some sunshine.

What will be your first energy boosting habit to start?

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I'm a fitness professional always seeking simple and effective ways to stay healthy and happy and helping others with their goals to do the same along the way.

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