Why you shouldn't resolve to be healthy in the new year

Why You Shouldn’t Resolve to Be Healthy in The New Year

Are you looking ahead and thinking about New Year’s resolutions and how you’re going to resolve to be healthy in the new year? Are you thinking about how you’re going to start exercising consistently, eating better and taking care of yourself? If that sounds like you, you’re not alone! And, I’m here to tell you not to do it!

You probably think I’m a little crazy right now, telling you not to resolve to be healthy in the new year. But, it’s not crazy at all really. It makes perfect sense. Keep reading if you want to find out why it’s really not so ridiculous.

Reasons You Shouldn’t Resolve to Be Healthy Next Year

We usually make resolutions to improve our lives in some way. For some reason we tend to decide that the beginning of the new year is the time to start working on these improvements. Not really sure why this is. There’s nothing magic about starting something once the calendar hits a certain date, is there?

Is putting it off until the new year going to make us reach our goals easier or faster? No, of course not! When we delay action it just makes success further away.

Maybe we do it because the holidays are stressful and hectic and we want to indulge before we start. We want to treat ourselves to the good stuff before we punish ourselves with the healthy foods and exercise that will be required to reach our goals. But, I would argue that overeating/drinking and not getting enough exercise is not treating yourself and that eating healthier and moving your body are not punishments.

When we overeat lots of low nutrient foods like cakes, cookies, and candies, we’re not treating ourselves the way we deserve to be treated. Sure, they taste good! But, they don’t tend to make us feel good, or at least not for very long. Plus, it just makes it harder to start eating healthier because the more you eat those kinds of foods, the more you want it. So, now you’re dealing with excess calories, cravings, and maybe even extra stress and guilt because you overindulged. Doesn’t sound like a treat to me.

Putting it off until the new year just delays success. What’s the point in putting it off until the new year? Don’t you want to start feeling better now? Wouldn’t it be nice to have more energy, reduce your risk of illness, and feel more confident and better about yourself right now? The holidays can be challenging enough as it is, why add poor health, guilt and stress?

What to Do Instead

When we resolve to be healthy in the new year, it puts a lot of pressure on us, like an all or nothing type thing. If you start now, making progress everyday, instead of deciding to be perfect in the future, you’re less likely to get overwhelmed and quit.

You don’t have to be perfect to make progress. You just have to decide to make healthier choices a majority of the time. Make plans to be consistent about treating yourself in the way that you deserve everyday and then follow through with them.

It doesn’t have to be complicated either. When making choices about how you’ll spend your time and how you’ll fuel your body, ask yourself if those choices align with the goals you want to achieve.

Don’t just resolve to be healthy in the new year. Resolve everyday to treat yourself in the way you deserve to be treated to live your best life starting this moment.

Will you wait until the new year or start right now?

If you already feel like you’re doing all of the right things, but not seeing the results you want, feel free to reach out. I would love to help you figure out what’s keeping you stuck.

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I'm a fitness professional always seeking simple and effective ways to stay healthy and happy and helping others with their goals to do the same along the way.

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