Perks of Partnering with a health coach

6 Perks of Partnering with a Health Coach for Improved Wellbeing

Feeling ready to finally make your health goals a priority this year? You’ve tried eliminating foods, forcing yourself to endure grueling workouts, and willing yourself to want kale as much as cake. Yet somehow, you’re still not seeing or feeling the results you hoped for. Sound familiar?

Transforming lifestyle habits is hard when trying to go it alone—even with oodles of motivation and the best of intensions. But what if you had a customized game plan to cut through the confusion, a cheerleader by your side to conquer excuses, and a source of accountability when willpower wanes? Because nobody has infinite willpower and that’s probably not the issue to begin with.

That’s why partnering with a health coach can be the game-changing difference between another year of disappointment versus lasting success. Sure, you are capable of doing it on your own! But, if you want to save yourself some time and frustration, having the support and guidance from a health coach might be just what you need. Let’s take a look at the value of having a health coach brings to your journey, so you can finally feel like you’re getting somewhere.

Time to make this year your year, and not have to start again next year!

Six Perks of Partnering With a Health Coach


By partnering with a health coach you’ll receive accountability in varying ways. It can be done through regularly scheduled check-ins, goal review, and as an impartial support system to stay on track with lifestyle changes. When you know you have someone in your corner that you can report your progress and struggles to, it encourages you to continue to put the effort in that will get you where you want to be.


A coach motivates through encouragement, mindset shifts, troubleshooting setbacks, celebrating small wins, and by sharing the possible health strategies that can be integrated based on the client’s needs. The journey to improved health isn’t always smooth and easy. It can be bumpy at times, but a coach can help you navigate through and keep on going.

Partnering with a health coach provides motivation


Coaches educate on fitness, nutrition, recovery, stress management and other evidence-based wellness topics to empower the client with knowledge. Sometimes it can be difficult to see the things in your own life that might be holding you back and keeping you stuck, or maybe you’re just unaware of the impact certain things have on your health. A Health Coach has a broader knowledge of things that play into our overall health and well being. They can also provide an outside perspective that might be needed in some cases.

Objective guidance

Partnering with a health coach allows for objectivity that might help you see the situation in a different way. They objectively evaluate habits, progress and challenges to provide guidance for improvement without emotional investment. It’s not always easy to come up with solutions and plans on your own when you’re already not feeling your best and emotions become a roadblock to progress. Coaches can sympathize with you, but also guide you without being clouded by emotional responses.

Customized planning

Partnering with a health coach helps customize your plan

Based on the client’s health history and goals, they personalize nutrition and fitness plans while adapting over time. It’s almost impossible to choose a cookie cutter meal plan or workout routine that will be sustainable and lead to long lasting results. For real and lasting results, plans need to be created with the individual in mind. Plans need to align with your needs and preferences. They need to work in your life and make you feel good. If it’s not doable for the long run you’ll soon be looking for next thing to try and start to feel like there must be something wrong with you, which is not true at all.

Holistic Support

Beyond just advice, they consider the whole lifestyle- managing priorities, relationships that impact health, mindfulness practices and more. You are a person with a complex life, not a robot with a mechanical issue. Our minds and bodies are not separate from each other. And we are not separate from the people and world around us. There are many factors that need to be considered while trying to improve your overall health. A coach can help you decipher what my be impacting different health concerns you are experiencing.

A Health Coach Might Be What You’ve Been Looking For

A health coach simultaneously provides the customization of a personal trainer, education of a class instructor, accountability of a wellness buddy, and insight of an expert adviser. With fun motivation, compassionate support, holistic guidance and science-backed strategies in your toolkit, you gain an invaluable advantage when it comes to making real progress by partnering with a health coach.

Whether you feel confused sifting through overwhelming internet advice or simply desire a more personalized approach, a qualified coach has your back. By regularly checking in through supportive conversation versus criticism, they meet you where you’re at instead of where they think you should be. They offer individualized tools to empower real habit change.

Ready to start seeing real sustainable results? Imagine having someone continuously helping you customize and adapt a plan just for you based on what your unique mind and body responds to the most.

A coaches main objective is to support you in your journey to transform your health, energy and inner strength through simple steps and actions that actually work for you and your life.

If you read this and are thinking “Yes, this is exactly what I need!”, let’s chat! Click below to book a free “Get Unstuck” consult with me. I would love to guide and support you in your journey to feeling like your best self!

I'm a fitness professional always seeking simple and effective ways to stay healthy and happy and helping others with their goals to do the same along the way.

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