This full body workout will help make you stronger and provides cardio bursts for extra calorie burn. Make sure you get at least 5 minutes of warm-up in before starting on the weighted sets to avoid injury. I recommend completing each set 3-5 times before moving on to the next set. Don’t be afraid to go heavy and challenge yourself.
Set #1
a. Reverse lunge with bicep curl to overhead press 10-12 reps per side
b. Kettlebell swings 12-15 reps
c. Chest press 12-15 reps
d. 20 Alternating front kicks
Set #2
a. Kneeling hip thrusts 12-15 reps ( weight held on shoulders or at chest)
b. Tricep dips 10-15 reps
c. Alternating reverse lunge with kettle bell swings 10-12 reps per side
d. Alternating side kicks 15 reps per side
Set #3
a. Sumo squat to upright row 12-15 reps
b. Deadlift/ bent-over row 12-15 reps
c. Lateral shoulder raise 12-15 reps
d. Alternating backward kicks 15 reps per side
Don’t forget to cool down and stretch after your workout
Have comments, questions, or need help with modifications? I’m here for you, let me know!