your perfect workoout

How to Find Your Perfect Workout

There are so many types of workouts out there. If you do an internet search for workouts you’ll see all kinds of information with claims of what the best type of exercises are for different outcomes/goals. There’s always some new or trendy way to get it done better, like yoga burn, Zumba, or cross fit, to name a few. It can all be a little overwhelming, especially if you’re fairly new to working out. How do you choose? What really is your perfect workout that will get you the results you want in the least amount of time?

different ways to exercise that could be a perfect workout

First let me say, that depends on you. What works for your best friend, spouse, or co-worker might not work for you and vice versa. We all have our own unique skills, strengths, and preferences. You might think you want to look like a marathon runner and admire their physical ability and think, maybe I should take up running. But, do you enjoy running? If you do, great go for it! If you cringe at the thought of long distant runs, then that’s probably not the path you want to take.

Even if you haven’t tried any of these workouts, you should have some idea about what you might like or dislike. Your first step might be to read about or watch videos to get an idea about each method. Or, you might just jump right in and try them. Either way, it will give you a better idea about what you like and don’t like.

How to find the perfect workout?

Once you know what types of exercises you like, you can start exploring different programs that fit you. If you have a gym membership, try out some group classes that they offer. If not, it’s not difficult to find lots of free content streaming online that you can try when it’s convenient for you. Try different things until you find something you love. Try different instructors. You might like a type of workout, but don’t enjoy the way it’s presented by a certain instructor. Sometimes the person presenting the workout can be just as important as the workout itself in terms of what you get out of it. If you don’t like something, move on and keep trying. If you prefer to workout on your own without instruction, make a list of exercises you like and create your own workout.

In case you haven’t figured it out already, the answer to “What is your perfect workout”, it’s the ones that you enjoy enough to actually do. If you pick a workout program that other people love or because it’s the trendy thing to do, and not because you enjoy it, it’s not necessarily going to work for you. You’re going to get bored, frustrated, and unmotivated. Exercise should not be something you dread. You should enjoy moving. The key is to find out what types of movement/activities you want to do in order to stay motivated. That’s the only way it’s going to work for long term success. So, get off the couch, get moving and feel great!

I'm a fitness professional always seeking simple and effective ways to stay healthy and happy and helping others with their goals to do the same along the way.

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